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Someone asked a great question about long term side effects of these vaccines and how those are evaluated for that I wanted to address:

This is a great thought. Usually vaccines are evaluated for side effects for days/weeks after injections as our immune systems respond to the dose. This is to monitor for any adverse reactions to the vaccine and the dosing while the immune system is ramping up. While not impossible, it is exceedingly rare that there are long term side effects to vaccines given the way the machinery works. Once the vaccine is delivered, your body is essentially responding and creating its own natural line of defense against whatever pathogen.

My cousin (Dr. Sangita Murali) provided me this great table that lays out some common vaccines and side effects: https://ww2.health.wa.gov.au/Articles/A_E/Comparisons-of-the-effects-of-diseases-and-the-side-effects-of-vaccines

You can see that most are immediate side effects, aside from Guillain-Barré syndrome, a very rare side effect of the flu vaccine, though this occurs within 6 weeks post vaccination.

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